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Web Map Samples

These maps were first created as part of a JS web mapping course,
but include a few more details and options than were neccesary because it's fun to play with them

Map Of Public Transport Average Time Varition From Schedule

The map was created based on data collected for my thesis.
in the city of Be'er Sheva, Israel, for a week in July 2017. the data presented respresnts the mean time variation between real time bus GPS data collected every 30 seconds and the bus schedule.

An improvement of the first map,
with a slicker legend and some a possibility to load parts of the GeoJSON from a remote CARTODB

A map which allows to check how many cellular antennas are within 500 meters froma clicked location, it still loads the time variation layer for Be'er Sheva but by default it's not visible.
to use the map click the button on the left to calculate the buffers around each antenna and then click on the location on the map you want to check. the second button on the map will remove the buffers from the map.

Map Of Rahat, Israel Lots

Started as a pet project to understand what are the possibilities of web maps, i am still exploring and adding more features when i can think of them and implement them. the final goal here is to create an open-source map a municipality can use.
Current Implemented features are:

Features I still want to implement: